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Why should a pre-existing medical condition be disclosed? Isn't this information confidential?It is essential that you disclose all information and any pre-existing medical condition to ensure proper evaluation of the insurance risk and avoid the possibility of rejection of any future claims. Any omission may be construed as a material non-disclosure. The Company adheres to strict confidentiality in line with the Data Protection Act.
How do I pay my premiums?Premium payment can be made by: Standing order Cash or cheque at any NIC branch office counter Salary deduction
Why is my insurance policy important?Your insurance policy is an important document in our relationship. It sets out the contractual benefits to which you are entitled. Please make time to read the document carefully. If you are uncertain about anything or need any clarification, simply call us on 602 3000.
What should I do if my policy is lost or stolen?You will need to apply for a duplicate insurance policy. Go to the nearest NIC branch office. Present your ID Card to the customer service representative. You will be asked to fill in a Duplicate Request Form, which you will need to present at the Police Station for stamping. You must report the loss of your policy to the Police Station where a memorandum (PF 77 form) will be issued to you after an entry is made in the Police Diary Book. You can choose from the following options to apply for a duplicate insurance policy: Option 1 - With publication notice You will need to pay the applicable Duplicate fee as per below: First duplicate Copy: MUR 100 for a sum assured less or equal to MUR 35,000 MUR 200 for a sum assured greater than MUR 35,000 MUR 500 for any duplicate copy requested thereafter You will be given the format for the notice to be published in the newspapers by the customer service representative. You will need to make provision and bear the cost of press insertion for the notice to be published in two daily newspapers in wide circulation for three consecutive days. You will need to submit to us the PF 77 form duly stamped by the police officer, along with all six newspapers in which the notice has appeared. A photocopy of your ID Card must also be submitted. After submitting all relevant documents, your Duplicate Insurance Policy will be issued one month following the last publication of the notice and after verification that no complaints have been lodged with the Company following the publication of the notice in the newspapers. Option 2 - No publication notice Sign and submit the completed "Disclaimer Form" to the Customer Service representative. You may download the form from our online Claims centre or get it at your nearest NIC branch office. Provide PF 77 form duly stamped by the Police Officer Pay a disclaimer fee as follows: MUR 500 for a sum assured less than MUR 50,000 MUR 1,000 for a sum assured greater than or equal to MUR 50,000 and less than or equal to MUR 100,000 MUR 2,000 for a sum assured greater than MUR 100,000 but less than MUR 1,000,000 MUR 5,000 for a sum assured greater or equal to MUR 1,000,000
How do I make a request for my policy information?We treat all NIC customers' and policy details as strictly confidential. Information will only be released to the policyholder upon a written and signed request. To enable us to provide you with your information quickly, you must provide us with: Your name (or that of the insured) Date of birth Policy number (if available) Your ID card number You can also drop in at any NIC branch office or email us at or simply call us on 602 3000.
Can I make changes to my Life Insurance policy?Yes, you can make changes to your life insurance policy such as but not limited to: change of address, contact details, benefits payment mode, premium amount or beneficiaries. All you need to do is inform us about the change you want to make to your life insurance policy by completing and submitting the "Application for Change in Policy Contract Form", which is available in all our branch offices. You can also download the form from our online Claims centre. You can send us the completed and signed form with the required supporting documents by post or drop it with a customer service representative at your nearest NIC branch office. Please ensure: You state for which policy or policies the change should be applied The photocopies of the documents submitted are readable
Can I increase my monthly premium?Yes, you can increase your premium payment.
What happens if my policy is in arrears?You will receive a reminder letter every month to inform you about your arrears status until you receive a final "Mise en Demeure" (MED) letter should premiums due remain unpaid. A grace period of 30 days will be allowed for full settlement after a MED letter. If premiums due still remain unpaid after the grace period, the policy will become inactive as follows: The policy will be lapsed, and all contributions made forfeited if premiums have been paid for less than the non-forfeiture period. The policy will become paid up, and carry a reduced sum assured if premiums have been paid for at least the duration of the non-forfeiture period.
What should I do if my policy is in arrears?Should you wish to settle your arrears, please submit the completed "Arrears Repayment Agreement Form" with the required supporting documents. You may download the form from our online Claims centre or get it at your nearest NIC branch office. Effect payment for the premiums due. Set up a new Standing Order if you wish to change your banking instructions. In the event there is a change in your personal circumstances or if you find that you are unable to continue to pay your premiums, please speak with our Customer Service representative at any NIC branch office or call us on 602 3000. We may be able to restructure your policy or work out a repayment plan to maintain your policy in good standing.
How do I revive my policy which has lapsed?If your policy has lapsed on account of non-payment of premium, you may apply to reinstate it. You must send us your written request for the revival of your policy. You must pay all the premiums and interest due. You must give satisfactory evidence of insurability of your good health by completing the "Health Declaration Form". You may download the form from our online Claims centre or get it at your nearest NIC branch office. You may be required to undergo a medical examination. The reinstatement will take effect only if we accept your application, and we will notify you of our acceptance terms accordingly.
Can I pledge my life insurance policy to cover a loan with a financial institution?Depending on the life insurance policy you have subscribed to, you can pledge your policy to cover your loan, provided your premium payments are up to date, and it satisfies the terms and conditions of the financial institution.
Can I pledge my life insurance policy for a loan with NIC?Yes, you are eligible for a policy Loan with NIC subject to the availability of your policy fund. A Policy Loan is a short-term personal loan that can be taken against 85% of your Cash Surrender Value of your NIC life insurance policy.
How do I apply for a policy loan with NIC?Drop in at any NIC branch Office, email us at or simply call us on 602 3000. When applying for a policy loan, you will need to submit the following required documents: Completed and signed loan application form Salary payslip for the last month for the employed Bank statements (last 3 months) for the self-employed Copy of ID Card Recent Utility Bill (less than 6 months old) Upon approval of your loan, your life insurance policy will be used as security for your loan and will be assigned to NIC. On signature of the loan deed, you will need to submit the original copy of your life insurance policy which will be kept in NIC's custody until the loan is settled.
How do I claim my cash back or maturity benefits?To claim your cash back benefit, you must submit your completed and signed "Cash Back Encashment Form" with the required supporting documents preferably one month prior your cash back benefit payment due date to ensure timely payment. To claim your maturity benefit, you must submit your completed and signed "Maturity Encashment Form" with the required supporting documents preferably one month prior your maturity benefit payment due date to ensure timely payment. You can download your form from our online Claims centre or get it from your nearest NIC branch office.
Am I eligible for a cash back benefit if my policy is in arrears?The payment of your cash back benefit would be subject to the settlement of arrears.
What happens if I decide not to claim my optional cash back benefit?If you do not claim your Cash Back benefit, your policy fund value will continue to grow until maturity date.
And if I want to reinvest my maturity benefits?Should you wish to reinvest your maturity benefits, simply call us on 602 3000 or drop in at your nearest NIC branch office. We will help you complete the required formalities. The following documents are required for your new insurance policy: A copy of your ID card A recent copy of you Utility Bill (less than 6 months) as proof of address A copy of the upper part of your Bank Statement as proof of bank account number A completed and signed life insurance proposal form for the new policy.
How do I make a death claim?The policy owner if different from the life assured and/or the designated beneficiary or beneficiaries must complete and submit the “Claimant’s Statement Death Claim Form” along with the required supporting documents. The following documents must be submitted when making a death claim: Completed and signed Claimant’s Statement Death Claim Form Original policy contract Copy of ID card (Policy owner, beneficiary and insured) Birth certificate (Policy owner, beneficiary and insured) Marriage certificate (if beneficiary is married) Cause of death & death certificates Affidavit (if beneficiary is not designated) Police report (in case of accident) You can download the form from our online Claims centre or get it from any NIC branch office. You can drop in at any NIC branch office and we will help you complete the formalities.
How do I make a disability claim?You must complete and submit the “Claimant’s Statement Disability Claim Form” along with the required supporting documents. The following documents must be submitted when making a disability claim: Completed and signed Claimant’s Statement Disability Claim Form Original policy contract Copy of ID card Medical certificates Medical appointment cards Physician’s statement NPF forms/Social Security Card Police report (in case of accident) You can download the form from our online Claims centre or get it from any NIC branch office. You can drop in at any NIC branch office and we will help you complete the formalities.
What if I want to cancel or surrender my insurance policy?Your policy is in force from the date of subscription until maturity date subject to premium payments being up to date. If you cancel your policy within 30 days of subscribing to a new life insurance policy, you will receive a refund of your premium. Should you choose to surrender your policy during the non-forfeiture period, you will lose your accumulated premiums and benefits. Should you choose to surrender your policy after the non-forfeiture period, you will receive your policy cash surrender value less applicable surrender charges. To cancel or surrender your life insurance policy, please submit your completed "Cancellation Form" with the required supporting documents to a customer service representative at your nearest NIC branch office. You may download the form from our online Claims centre or get it from any NIC branch office. In the event there is change in your personal circumstances and consequently you wish to surrender your policy, call us on 602 3000. We may be able to help you find a solution that allows you to maintain your life insurance cover and benefits.
What is a non-forfeiture period?The non-forfeiture period is the period where the policy holder is not eligible for any refund of premiums in case of cancellation of the policy. Every life insurance policy carries a non-forfeiture period which varies from plan to plan.
How do I make a complaint?Excellent customer service is our top priority. Your feedback is important to us. If you feel that our service has fallen short of your expectations, please tell us about it. Your complaint will receive prompt attention. To lodge your complaint, call us on 602 3000 or email us at You may also write to our Complaint’s Coordinator on the following address: National Insurance Co. Ltd NIC Centre 217 Royal Road Curepipe When lodging your complaint, please provide us with the following information: Your personal and contact details (Name, address, telephone number, email) Your policy number Full particulars of the complaint We will assess and investigate your complaint, and may contact you if we require more information or clarification. We will endeavour to resolve your concerns and revert to you within 21 working days from the date you lodged your service request. If you have received our final response and you are still not satisfied with it, you have the right to refer your case to the Office of Ombubdsperson for Financial Services. For more information please consult our Make a complaint page.
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